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We'd like to know what you think about The Ghost Hunter's Society and our web site. Please leave your comments in this public guest book so we can share your thoughts with other visitors. Your name and email address will not be displayed, but feel free to enter it in your message if you so desire.
This Page is for comments about G.H.S. and our website ONLY. Please do not post questions here as we are not able to update our web pages on a daily basis. Send your questions to G.H.S. via our email link on the home page.
Welcome to our guest book! Here you can leave us a message, comment, suggestion or simply read what others think of our organization and our web site!
We'd like to know what you think about The Ghost Hunter's Society and our web site. Please leave your comments in this public guest book so we can share your thoughts with other visitors. Your name and email address will not be displayed, but feel free to enter it in your message if you so desire.
This Page is for comments about G.H.S. and our website ONLY. Please do not post questions here as we are not able to update our web pages on a daily basis. Send your questions to G.H.S. via our email link on the home page.
Very impressive site!! I'd like to know if you'll be revisiting Bachelors Grove, and if so, would I be able to participate?
Per my last message regarding assisting in a BG investigation, my e-mail is TSFEHolta@aol.com
You have a great site! I look forward to seeing more field reports and receiving the electronic newsletter! Keep up the great work!
How can I become a member of your investigation team? Awesome web site!
Wow, you guys have a really dynamic site! I love the investigation reports and your photos. I'm glad to see that there are dedicated researchers/investigators out there! I signed up for your newsletter and I will recommend your site to my friends and associates! Please continue with the excellent work and I look forward to seeing how your site develops in the future!
I am a firm believer in things that can't be rationally explained away.
My husband and his cousins had very strange experiences in the cousins' house in Kimball, NE.
When the cousins first experienced the strange situations, they tried to get help to find out what the blue blaze was going on. Their situation changed after the death of his grandmother. They began to believe they were haunted by his late younger brother.
My husband was affected too. He was bothered one night in bed. He described it as if a small child wanted to keep him company. He told our deceased son to cut it out. He wasn't bothered since.
Maybe we were trying to put something in there that wasn't there. Or maybe something happened there that we can never understand. I'll let you be the judge.
Kris Milder E-Mail: Lambkin1971@Hotmail.Com
Hi all, Very interesting stuff! The web site was impressive. Glad to know that there are others as interested in this stuff as I am.
Great site! One question though, Why do you have pics of ghostly orbs rather than mostly physical form? Can you explain the difference?
Mike, the site looks great! Hope all is well. Stacy McArdle http://www.hauntedpages.com
I have been interested in your club since I heard of it some years ago. Now that I came and visited your site, I am glad to have known such an organization as this. Professor Clark Schmidt Director Celestial Visions School of Metaphysical Arts http://www.cvsma.com
Very cool site! I love the vortex gif you have created. I will add it to my site as soon as it's up and running! Keep up the great work!
This is Justin Walker. If any of you have any experience with a hill like "booger hill" in my story, e-mail me at mortis1@bellsouth.net Thanks
cool page
Hi guys, I'm English and I saw you on a channel five TV show tonight. I was impressed with your work! Have fun ghost hunting! Kerry.
hello my name is Loren Patten. I am very interested in ghosts and unexplained things. I found your web site by looking on an engine search. I was wondering if you could get me some information on ghosts and poltergeists in Wisconsin. preferably near eau claire, WI. there is a site called weird wisconsin.com. but it only has information about places further away from eau claire. I have always been curious about these things, so if you could email me back I would so much appreciate it. my email address is lorenpatten@hotmail.com. thank you and I hope to hear from you soon.
Great site with more to offer than most sites I've seen on ghosts. I love the comment about the white flashes because I experience this many times in some of my investigations. Keep up the good work.
hello there!!!!!! Very well done!!! This is an excellent website!! I enjoy it very much, I bookmark this .So I can come back many times. Again, very good!!!!!!!! many greetings from Tammy homepageadres: http://pianeta.homestead.com
Nice site, very stylish.
I am really interested in ghosts and stuff like that. I think that its because I had a "ghostly" experience when I was little
I'm interested in talking to anyone with info about the lantern ghost light in Chapple Hill Tenn. as a child I've witnessed it's light many times and would like to no if anyone out there has also known of this . Also recently while visiting Tenn. I had the honor of visiting Rattle And Snapp and talking with tour guides that told of ghost stories and strange unexplained things that happen in the master bedroom. Check it out www.rattleandsnap.com
forgot to give my email address for anyone seeing the ghost lantern in Tenn. My e-mail is tjohnson4@kscable.com
I'm a retired police officer and have always been interested in this field of study from a young age. How does one become a member? e-mail is hatman@bright.net
I have always had this almost obsession with the paranormal. I love your site, it is one of my favorite sites. KUDOS!
My name is Richard Real. I am the security and maintenance supervisor here at Rainbow Shopping Centre® Downtown! Recently one of security guards had the wits scared out of him when he was working the 12-8am shift. During one of his rounds, the security alarm was tripped, which triggered all of the security cameras in the mall, which were in "night standby", which in turn one of the cameras caught something. This is not all, some tourists who have gone through the mall have taken some pictures as well. You may want to check these out and decide for yourself. Tell us what you think. http://www.rainbow14303.homestead.com/rainbow.html
I am currently starting a ghost hunting organization in the Fresno, California area. If anyone knows of any haunted places in the vicinity or would like to help please e-mail me at centralvalleyghosts@yahoo.com. Thanks.
Cool site! I like the whole site. Do you think someone can send me more info about Bachelor's Grove send it to Waytocul@aol.com
I think that this site is a great idea. Many people are afraid of ghosts, but many people are not. I am one of those people who love to try to find ghosts. This site will be a great guide for me in my work. From- All the people who love to hunt ghosts!
I think that this site is a great idea. Many people are afraid of ghosts, but many people are not. I am one of those people who love to try to find ghosts. This site will be a great guide for me in my work. From- All the people who love to hunt ghosts!
I do not believe in ghost and just curious if you had real pictures
I enjoyed your site I do have some pics of ghost but actually I'm afraid to let anyone see. these are not fake. they are of cider point in Ohio. very scary thing when I seen these, they are really clear and up close pics. email thomas4y@tir.com
Interesting, I believe that there is an actual other side that holds spirits, experience trust me! I enjoyed the site!
After purchasing my Canon Power Shot digital camera I decided to take pictures of different events at church. Orbs of light were all over the church, of course at the time I thought something was wrong with my camera. I have all the pictures on disk. Our last revival the Holy Spirit is captured on disk flowing through the church. I was afraid to tell my pastor because I thought she would think I'm nuts, but she said You know that is the holy spirit and angels entering the church. This occurs when the church is praying in one accord. I will be glad to email my pictures. No I'm not a religious fruit cake, its all on disk.
great site. I caught the link at www.geocities.com/mopipage/
This is a tight website. I like the fact that there is paranormal stuff going on. I try to communicate with ghosts with my ouija board, but I always get the same ghost. He is an evil ghost. His name is Cash. E-mail me at MACKYMULL@aol.com if you want to find out more
GHS , I do believe that my house is haunted . Well my parents leave me home alone quite often and I am usually down stairs on the computer and about 20 minutes after they leave I hear foot steps. My bed room is located down stairs and is right next to the stair well and when I sleep down there I hear moaning and thumping and foot steps and I hear little tiny kids playing and laughing and then I hear yelling and fire crackle sounds. when I went up stairs to see what was going on I searched the yard and everything and my parents were sound asleep and I am too scared to sleep down stairs now. One day I was getting my clothes to get ready to take a shower and my TV came on and I started changing stations , its not the remote because my TV doesn't take remotes . and when your sitting up stairs you can see something out of the corner of your eye and when I turned around I just say a white streak and down stairs its the same thing but its a black streak. I have no idea what to do and my parents don't believe me . and you close the door and its open a few minutes later its so creepy and I am 15 years old and I don't know what to do I am scared out of my wits. your pics are really neat but that's nothing like Sheridan Wyoming's old cemetery were there is a witches circle and if you could send a team to stay in the cemetery which I live right next too and see what the heck is going on in my neighborhood.
Hi guys, I love your web site, but if looking for ghosts you have to come out to Philadelphia. This whole town is haunted! Especially old Fort Miflin, and just about all of Germantown.
I often go to the bachelors grove cemetary, and every time that I am in there, there is always something different about the place. I also have pictures of glowing orbs in many of the pictures that I have taken there. I always see letters from some lady who always keeps up the grounds and I would like to contact her about a certain situation that had happened to my wife and I when we went there. Apparently, my wife took a candle that was sitting near the Fulton grave site, and strange things have been happening to us since then. I would love to share the story to anyone who emails me at arnold_layne6@yahoo.com
I wish to learn more about your site and is there a place to tell our own story. My father died when I was 15, when that happen I began my jouney into ghosts. My friends and I started to feel and see things and then I new it was my father. I have almost a passion for the study of ghost but, I can only do so much on my own. Your society is what i have been looking for, do you know of any Ghost Hunter in my area that might be looking for someone who would be interested in helping with tere work. My area is Wichita county and surrounding area. My e-mail is jlmorgantx@aol.com .
R.A. Buehre res05de2@gte.net I find it heartening to see there is a location for the gathering of ghostly information. Please continue the good work. For the serious ghost hunter it has become increasingly difficult to gain distance from the sensationalists and continue to study in relative peace and quiet. Good hunting.
Hi my name Alex Escamilla,and I just wanted to tell you guys where you guys can find alot of ghosts. You can find alot of ghosts in mostly any part in Mexico. I went Zacatecas,Mexico and I have Encounterd some ghosts,Like when I went to the restroom I saw a little boy just staring at me,I got scared so I ask him his name,but he didn,t answer back,plus I could see through him so I new right away it wasn't just any kid. Another encounter was when I was at my grand mothers house it was like around 2:00am I was watching tv when I heard footsteps on the roof ,then I went outside to check what it was,but it was nothing so right when I turned back I saw a man in white for about 5 seconds then he was gone. If you guys want to Know more about ghosts in mexico E-mail me at brown_dragon_81@hotmail.com
This is just what we needed. A sight that is serious about the truth.I am a new member with a lot to share. I have had encounters that included family members and friends being present. Thanks for the open forum about this hushed up subject. I am anxious to learn a lot here. Thanks. Lee H.
I live in West Virginia. I hear there is some tremendous goings on here. This is a very wild state still. Just about any place here has NOT been developed. That gives cause for some really wicked things happening here. I myself have had incidents involving huge rappings on the door along with ghost wolves scratching the hell out of my front doors. surfdog1156@cs.com If you want the rest of the story, if you dare!
Great Site!
I have been working in association with several different ghost investigation clubs over the past few years. Your site is one of the best I've seen. We all need to work together to bring respect and professionalism to ghost investigations. If any of your readers are from Ohio, I'm in the process of putting a site together to link resourses for Ohio residents. Its located at www.ohioghost.com and I can be reached at knoxghost@ohioghost.com . Keep up the great work....it helps us all! William Baer, founder of The Ohio Ghost & Paranormal Research Society.
I like this web site and keep up the good work. Jason
Dear hunters my name ill leave unpublished for a personal reason. but many call me Oblivion .. and i live near the Grove... and i have been researching the this place for some time now. im 21 come november.. and i have not been to the site but have read and studied the site (grove) i have yet to visit the site but i have maped out plans with my fellow brothren to investigate the site compleetely im also interested in knowing alittle bit of how i could join your team but alas i cant send you my e-mail addy ... but if you would make a proxy web site for me to goto with a link of where i can privately post you my e-mail addy then ill be sure to check it out ... i will check this page within one week if you so chose me as an aplicant please post here a link to goto thank you.
Great Site!!... But how does the average person get to join a team like that and go on investigations... I would love to get into something like that!!.. let me know!.. UThinkSo17@aol.com... Shireen.. Rockford, IL
You have a COOL website!
love the page i got intersted in ghosts when i had ot do a report about them and this page has some interesting stuff in it!!
I really like your web page!!!
Keep up the great work!
Hello G.H.S/everyone that reads this, I would really like to particapate in the Ghost Hunter's Society and I really want to study the art in Parapsychology. Can I join you guys? If so, can you please tell me how to join & what college I could go to, equiment sp?, and any other stuff I need. Mystical If any info. e-mail me at; mudbrush@indy.net
And thank you again for reading this.
A few friends of mine are interested in visiting Bachalors Grove Cemetary in daylight hours. If you could be so kind as to inform us of any equipment to bring or any other advice. Don't worry about the cops I work for the Crstwood Police Department and I also know quite a few of the Midlothian and Cook County Sheriff's officers. Please send any info via e-mail to: punisher683@juno.com Thank you very much.
Very good site and i know bachelors grove is haunted. my sister went back there a couple of times and seen a house arise from the lagoon but the legends say if u enter that house you will never come back out of it.
I have been interested in the paranormal since I was 20 years old.I have had some strange experiences of my own.This is this first time I have ever visited your website and I am very impressed.I would love to learn even more about other people's paranormal experiences.I would also like to learn how I could "get into" studying the paranormal. - Wendy
My boyfriend and I just recently went to Bachelors Grove, 10/10/00. The path to Bachelor Grove got really cold so on the way out I turned around real quick and snapped a picture. When I got the picture back there looked to be 2 faces. a large one in the middle, and below it a tinier one. They weren't human looking. They looked more like a skeleton. I had a cheap disposable camera, so I'm not too sure how real they were. Also in 2 other pictures there looked to be a face, also skelton like, but kinda blurry like the orbs.
My parents have experienced many encouners with a presence in their home over the years. At this time, activity is heightened. We would love to know who it is and what we could do to help them. We believe it involves perhaps 3 different people. We live in the southern tier of New York State and really don't where to start with this. Can you offer any suggestions as to how we can get help figuring this out? Could a psychic help us? Please forward any suggestions to plc12@cornell.edu. We would appreciate any help you can provide!
I've really enjoyed this site. Is there anyway to detect or hunt ghost without the equipment, or psycic abilities?
your website it really cool you should come to christian county and check out anderson cemetery it is real interesting.
I'm happy to find a site with people as interested in the paranormal as I am! In fact, I'm going to Bachelor's Grove tonight to explore. I plan to take pictures cause when I tell my friends they won't believe it unless they see it!!!!!
I've visited many web sites that deal with this subject and this is by far the best. Today was the first of many trips to your site. I am a firm believer as I have had experiences for many years myself and it's great to have a place to speak openly after all it isn't a topic you can discuss with everyone over coffee. It's nice to also read other's comments and know I'm not alone. Keep up the good work. SMK N.S. CAN.
Been a fan of GHS's site for a couple years now. Lived in Illinois myself for many years and had my first paranormal experience there. Would like to make the Ghost Hunter's Society part of a new documentary series we're planning, if anyone's interested. Thanks, Buck iO Pictures, Inc. iopictures@excite.com
Deborah McFadden titanic8@epix.net I really enjoy your website.Both my husband and I are really interested in the paranormal.Where we live we have two haunted houses that are about ten minutes from us and we have seen some strange things in these homes.
I enjoyed your web page and got lots of new info from it I thank you. I am still a student in south west high at north carlina and I have been thinking about joing a team or making my own team to hunt ghost, more of study theam and help peopel when ever I can. I would appreciate it if anyone could e-mail me some helpfull hints or ways to get started e-mail me at Foster-noah@hotmail
wow seen you guys on tv like the show had to look at the web page... I like it keep more comeing
Mike, Thanks for the appearance on my show.I will send a tape and/or let you know when it airs. If any of your readers would like to listen to your interview,the show MY PREROGATIVE airs on Wednesday evenings at 10 PM.They may find it at www.fcac.org/webr You were great fun and I hope to see you when I am in Chicago.Email me with your number again if you would (organization is not my strong point). I was impressed with the scientific approach that you take and am following up with a show featuring Tim Harte of MESA. Please feel free to visit my web site and sign the register.I am at www.rickwood.homestead.com/rick.html See ya soon,Mike...
Rick Wood Host,My Prerogative
Hey great page guys, I was crusin looking for fellow ghost hunters in the illinois area, glad i found this page!
Hi,my name is Kathleen.The site is so so so cool you know why because i like scary stuff so i wrote something.so i wrote to you that happen to me and my family and it feark me out alot.I just can't stop coming in this site.
Hi to Stacy/ghost hunters. Last summer you featured an article about Mt. Thabor cametery in Crystal Lake. (a friend at work showed me this). anyway, since I live in Crystal Lake, I decided to take some pictures. I had the film developed, and nothing. Well this last week I found the second roll of film I forgot about, and there is a good image I believe you will be interested in seeing. It was shot on a clear sunny day, and shows something unusual that is definite and directional. I would like to show you this photo. My name is Mark Goodmanson, I live at 20 Catherine Court, Crystal Lake, IL. My phone # is (815) 356-6328.
I wish someone would produce a documentary on paranormal activity without the sensationalism I saw on ABC and Fox.
P.S. Do you know ghosthunter Richard Crowe? He is based here in Chicago.
I think this is a very interesting site. I have always enjoyed learning more information about the paranomail. Please give me some extra info Sugarspice831@aol.com. Goodbye. P.S. I have many photos of what I think are ghosts. Please tell me if I should send them to you. Sincerely, Rebecca
I think this is a very interesting site. I have always enjoyed learning more information about the paranomail. Please give me some extra info @ Sugarspice831@aol.com. Goodbye. P.S. I have many photos of what I think are ghosts. Please tell me if I should send them to you. Sincerely, Rebecca
am i a psycic?years ago about 11 .a station wagon with three men and a girl was on my street.they stopped and let me cross in front of them.this was before aired on tv about gina dawn brooks.this was also in park hills,mo.yes i turned it in.i seen 1 supposed to of been attemp ,then heard it aired on scanner. could see car and people.festus,mo.my son and i was in ventures store shopping.girl later i heard was abducted .same girl at our check out same girl i seen one man watching her and another talking bad about her.about 10 years ago.i was in a bar at farmington,mo.my friend at time i ran around with and her friends said kill mike and make linda watch.i was brought out back of bar.seen friend laying on ground.no one talks.he is gone from his buisness and residence.i myself was abducted about 5 years ago from a veterans bar here in park hills got away from who ever had me.was brought from park hills all the way outside of farmington, school king road or king school road i walked to hwy v.i did turn all these stories in.i asked local sherrif dept for psycics names that worked with gina dawn brooks case.well.they didnt remember there names are addresses.how would i know if i was a psycic if i had stories like these happen to me for years.question 1.am i a psycic ?question number 2 .am i the only one that watchs and listens to what is going on? number 3. have i being kept a secret for years and being used for someones cult or material purpose? question 4 ot is all these things wrong place at wromg time or just a quincidence?i did try to get my stories on tv ,newspapers but had no luck.but one nurse that had a vision got the sherrif department to dig up a querry for the missing gina dawn brooks. lets go through this again.i lived and seen these things and one nurse has a vision. my e-mail address is lindalouhenson@yahoo.com write me if you would like to talk about my stories.because i need some answers.dont leave your comments on here.
Hi my name is Deanna and I think your show is so cool and I wish you could put it on more often.
Hi: I am looking for someone to help get rid of a ghost in my daughter's hause. She lives in St Paul, Alberta, Canada. This ghost is getting really scary. It has made deep scratches in the basement walls, all he way up to the ceiling. There are paw prints (or they look like paw prints) on the wall, all the way up to the ceiling. My granddaughter is scared to go downstairs. This is totally different from the things it was doing before. Before that, it was things like turning on taps, closing doors, fooling around with furnace settings, etc. This is really getting scary now. It is for real. Help.
please reply.
Therese Siemers. e-mail: terrysiemers@hotmail.com
My name is Ben Farraher and my dad and I looked at your website.
I am eleven years old and interested in ghost hunting. I have read some books at the library and how old do I have to be to join your group.
Email me at bfarr87979@aol.com Thanks
do people give tours of ghostly areas in chicagoland? and how much are they? Thanks,
here's my e mail address seanbegora@hotmail.com
also I have a very real haunted story to tell.
Great site! I have always been interested in the paranormal, and hope to be a ghost hunter too. If there are any people who live in madison county,IN, and are interested in ghost hunting e-mail me at lizzardchic@hotmail.com....thanks...ABI P.
Great site, keep up the good work Brian Roesch LionDog96@aol.com
some friends and i will be going to bachelors cemetary if i get any interesting ppics i will e-mail them to you
I don't like talking about it much but I have been on the local news in 96 and troy taylor investigated my unusual home and did find alot to prove we do have something going on in our home. I won't get into full detail and I'm not pulling your leg but last week I had enough at home with whats going on and confronted whatever it may be and something pulled the pillow from under my head at 1:am and later felt like something touching my hair and last around 3:am punched the backside of the pillow.It seems like its getting worse and I though you could at least help me if possible? Just to add something to your knowlege my house was built in 1866 and we can't locate were the possible graveyard had been at one time as I was told. Thank you, Brian 2/22/00
your the best
I love the site!!! I would love to see even more pictures of ghosts and orbs caught on film and the stories are great!! I am a true believer in the spirit world and it fascinates me!
I'm in need of contacting anybody about my haunted church/house, I wrote to you last month with no reply. PLEASE contact me by that number listed or write me at po box 64 Milmine, IL.61855-0064. I'm desperate in any which way or form on understanding more about our haunted house! (My name is Brian) and I don't have e-mail due to living out in B.F.E if you know what I mean. I did infact type the date wrong on my last letter so don't get that confused please. To eloborate on more info on my house: built in 1866/re-constructed in 1892/was 3 differ types of religion worship in over the yrs/closed in 1986/1st familiy tried to live there in 1993 and moved out 9 mos later/I moved in october 6,1994 and have had all types of thigs happen over these yrs. PLEASE RESPOND!............
This is dave killworth i just emailed u me and some of my freinds have some pictures that are alot like the ones u took. i was wondering if by chance i could email the pics to u and post them on this site the have alot of things in them i think that are spirits. and i injoyed the site it was helpful thank u .
just passing through
Very interesting Dr Pierluigi Romeo di Colloredo
Hi, my name is Danielle and I'm very interested in ghost hunting. I recently visited Emily's Bridge in Stowe, Vermont and took some possible ghost pictures there, and my family and I believe that our old house in GA built on an old slave camp was haunted. We heard footsteps, my door would slam repeatedly, and lights would go on and off and there was a presence and "shadows" in the basement. Could this jave been poltergeist activity? I would love to participate in a ghost hunt- please e-mail me at centralperkie257@hotmail.com. Your site is really great and the pictures were impressive!
hi I have a picture that has paranormal figuars on it, my aunt had pulled out several human figurs in the cloud so please can you help me with this pictuer pleas.
Thank you, krystle jado
Awesome site! I'm really into paranormal stuff. So cool! Kaitlyn
Hi! Loved the page, I am a British guy who is married to a Chicago lass, and spent 2 years out in your wonderful city. We did visit Bachelors Grove a couple of times, and took photos, some odd images turned up un the film, and some of the film did'nt even develop (even though it was in the middle of the film, and the rest of the roll developed ok), I felt some very uncomfortable sensations while I was there too, that place is very unsettled, and charged with, well, something!, lok forward to seeing more on this subject! Thanx!
your so cool love margaritttta
are these pics for real if they are they rock hehe jk.but antwsys good job.
I am 18 and have been into Ghost, hauntings, and other Paranormal things, since a very young age. I wanna become a Paranormal investigator sometime. I have my heart set on it *Smiles* I am forming my own Ghost Hunters group. My spring break is comming up and some friends and I will be doing our very first ghost hunt. I am sooooo excited....Wish us luck! Feel Free to email me at agentrubberducky@aol.com
hello my name is thomas horne,i have a real demon or ghost in my home.i have taken a picture of it with my digital camera and i have seen a spirit twice ,and i would like some one to correspond with me about this and help me if possable...please write me at <<horneray@aol.com>>
This is a totally cool site!! I love ghost stories and stuff like that!!!
Hi there everybody! My name is Jamie and I have been interested in the paranormal since I knew what it was. Right now (actually for awhile), I have been interested in gathering information about true ghost stories/urban legends in Rockford, IL and surrounding areas for a book. I absolutely LOVE this kind of stuff, and they always say if you write a book, then write about what you know and love. So if anyone out there has anything I could use, please email jalynn22@hotmail.com. This is a great site!
Greetings, I listened to the radio talk show with Art Bell and your people who were on the show that night. I'm glad that there has been more intrest in the electronic voice phenomenon. There is so much to be said of this most interesting phenomenon. I have myself recorded these voices and have the ability to recieve these voices without electronic equipment. Even so, I can not listen in to these voices all of the time. There are specific physical conditions that are necessary if someone like myself is to receive the voices and understand them as well. There seems to be the need of a carrier noise that the voices react with like the humming of a machine. I have discovered that if I take a microphone on a long coaxial cable that along withj being in the right place I can directly listen to the voices if I direct the microphone signal into a high amplific- ation unit and amplify the signal 1,000 times. Doing this I'm able to loose the backround white noise. There are other means I have discovered that work even better. When I say better I mean there is a new element added. This new element is visual and physical. I have managed a way of contact that goes beyond even what I can withstand. I have terrified myself though I still relise it's a matter of self control,"I think". I have taken a battery operated FM signal transciever that broadcasted to a portable 115 volt cheap AM-FM radio that has a HEADPHONE jack and then tuned into the ether. I soon was able to hear voices that seemed to have direct access into my mind and my deepest thoughts. These voices seemed to be all male voices and I had the impression that they were seated at a table where the three of them took turns trying to pick my brain apart. They would dig up the most hidden desires I have "sexually" that is and twist them until I was just beside myself. They played on a fire theme as well calling - - - fire-fire----fire up and down on a verbal scale that was so terrifying that I had to remove my headset just in time and several times or I felt as if I would be swallowed or maybe have my soul stolen. I have to go now, please contact me soon before I accidently kill myself doing these weird things. hallkms@aol.com Sincerely, Steve Hall P.S. There's lots more Ph#(707)664-0972
I liked your site very much and respect your professional manner in the scientific investigati the paranormal. Terry messer " ghostbreakers Inc" http://www.geocities.com/ghostbreakerinc/night_visions.html
Hi. I love your site! It's amazing! I am a firm believer in the paranormal and I'm working on a project in tech on what I want to be. And I want to be a ghost hunter. I need some info. and if anyone could e-mail me on what degree of school, tools they work with and some other stuff I would really appreciate it. Thanks a lot.
Jessica e-mail me at Hippie4ever16@aol.com
HI i've read the stories page and i think that girl who lived in fresno i don't think it's a ghost i think it's probably her because i've read about poltrigiest expiriences like that and heard that in many casses it's actually the girls pyschic abilities because when they're adolescents at that age it does somthing to thier brain and they're abilties allow them to move things without them knowing
-P.S. great site
Ancient Wisdom Secrets! Holy Secrets and Forbidden Knowledge revealed to seekers of truth. Results of 40 years of relentless research. Most amazing web site! Thank you. www.holy-secrets.com
Hello to all that read this. I'm was very excited to read this page and I'd love for someone to come out and check out what is going on here. The ladies in my family including myself have preminissions that do come true it's kind of scary. I always wondered why but not anymore it's pretty fascinating .I LOVE THIS WEB SITE!!! Have a great day everyone. Keep up the good work ! midgitt18@yahoo.com
i love the site! it is awesome! i am a fellow ghost hunter and paranormal investigator. and my team is just starting out so if you have any information that would be helpful to us we would love to hear it! please e-mail me at spooky_fox_mulder@yahoo.com i look forward to hearing back from you as soon as possible. thnx- derek
This is Janice Astor. I love ghosts. This web-site has helped me out. If you have any info to get me started on my ghost hunting adventure (I' am 15) that I hope will last all of my life and beyond. Could any of you tell me what simple tools I could use for my team of six other members in our after dark and a little during the day activities? JanAstor5@aol.com -Janice Astor
Great site you have! Forbidden Knowledge revealed to seekers of truth concerning: Holy Sex, Conspiracies, Hidden Torah codes, Holy Secrets, Yahweh Elohim, Yahshua, Gematria, Anti-Christ, Kabbalah, 666, Ancient Wisdom, Mysteries, Frauds, Paranoia, The Unknown, Phenomenon, Aliens, hundreds more fascinating forbidden subjects! Results of 40 years of relentless research. Most amazing web site! Thank you.
See: www.holy-secrets.com See also: www.webruler.com/torah
I'm looking for people actively and responsibly investigating paranormal phenomenom in Kansas, hopefully around the Lawrence, KS area. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Holy Secrets plus Forbidden Knowledge concerning: "The Missing Holy Ghost",Yahweh, Elohim. Yahushua, Yahshua, Torah Codes, the real "Jesus", Ancient Wisdom, Sacred Knowledge, plus hundreds more fascinating subjects, revealed to seekers of truth. Results of 40 years of relentless research. Amazing website. Thank you.
Please go to: http://www.holy-secrets.com
See also: http://webruler.com/torah
I hope you can Read This I would Like to ask you some question about the things that have been happing please get back to me Thank You
rtjig@hotmail.com Theresa.Turner
hi my name is ella and i want to be a ghost hunter but i don't know how to start,please email me with tips@ princess9354@yahoo.com
Great site! Very well done. Thanks for sharing this info with others via the web.
-- Many blessings, Mary Catherine ("Cathy") Miller Cat =^;^= http://www.nursehealer.com/
Hi this is Daniela, I would like to compliment you on your site, VERY IMPRESIVE!!! I would like to say that this organization has very well outdone itself keep up the great work E-ME if you want to talk about ghosts Daniela@Soldier.net Daniela@SheKnows.com
Hello everyone. I am starting a new website dedicated to local hauntings and true ghost stories. Now I’m not looking for stories about Gettysburg or anything as famous as that. There are already too many sites dedicated to this type of story already. What I’m looking for is local stories. Tell me about your house. Tell me about the house down the block from you. Even if it’s only “believed” to be haunted I want to hear about it. If you have such a story write up the details for me. Include the history of the haunting if you happen to know it. If you have been witness to the haunting, tell me about that. Venture to the haunted or possessed place with a friend and get me some pictures of the place. Let people know how to get there if it’s a place they might want to visit (haunted graveyard, church, or abandoned school) Whatever you can get me would be great. I will also need help compiling the stories together and searching the internet for more stories and content, so maybe you don’t have a story but would be interested in helping me out. All inquiries and tales can be directed to dahlia138@msn.com.
I would like more information on how to become a member and where are you located?Can you be a member and not be from your area? usaluv2dance@jensmail.com Thank You Jen
this site is very interesting
I like the pictures! I see what yall see and I can hear them also! I can't understand why I can hear them. Sometimes I wish that my husband could hear what I do then he will know that I am not joking and then he will be the scared one all the time! thank you & keep up the work!
Does anyone know about any haunted places in Rockford, IL? I know there has to be lots.--Kevin
Great site, I need to make one like this. I enjoy ghost hunting, I published a book titled: Hunting The Dead Methods of Ghost Chasing.
Keep up the great work!!!
Brian Roesch
Very interesting! I live in an haunted XIII cent. Tower in Italy. Pierluigi Romeo
Awesome site! This site is the BOMB!!! Visit mine and tell me what you think. http://www.geocities.com/ghosts_today_2001/page1.html
I am very impressed with your site. I love to read all of the articles. They are very interesting. I have felt ghosts around me but have only seen shadows never an actual ghost. I think if I did I would probably faint with fear. Keep up the good work. Thanks Mrs.B.
Hi there, I am LadyBarker of LadyBarker's Ghost Pages. I am more than happy to add one of your banners to my site. The more the merrier:)
This site is the best. I mean, i never would have guessed that so many people have interacted with ghosts, not unlike myself.
I feel that this site holds many interesting investigations. I took some notes on the Oak Ridge Cemetery investigation. I have too walked the path from the old vault to the tomb in the day time. I have not noticed any temp. change but will see soon if I notice any temp. change on the path. If I find anything else that might help you I will email you on anything unusual. Thanks and God Bless!
i would like to hear from a paranormal.lindalouhenson@yahoo.com
I am delighted with this site. I have had the pleasure of meeting Mike and hearing him speak! Mike - you're fabulous! Don't change! :)
Happy hunting!
like your site and have emailed u about my problem. so hope to hear back from you!
I like a lot this page because its interesting to know of the paranormal cases i dont know yet but I want to be a detective of paranormal cases i like a lot the page there wiil have more pichures of phantoms i think
great site -very interesting.
wicked site and so spine-chillingly spooky
stop tacking pic of me
I really love this site. It is great to see that others are willing to share their experiences. Mike aka "Fangar"
are you a ghost
kymberly&Jackie Clinard
kymberly&Jackie Clinard
Do you offer home study courses in the paranormal field, or do you have newsletters? My e-mail address is: glitterwitch66@hotmail.com
i enjoyed viewing the website,but wish there were more photos.
you fuck job
This site is just too awesome! I am a paranormal resercher and ghost hunter in San Mateo California looking for other kids 12-14 to join me on some ghost hunting activities and stuff...e-mail me at gryffindorgirl_2001@yahoo.com
EVERYONE! Don't send in your photos or negatives, the negative will never be sent back to you! Just a strong word of caution. If you send it in, you will never hear back from GHS again. I sent mine in and it was never returned to me as promised and that was a year ago. So, unless you wanna kiss your negative goodbye, don't send it in to these people.
Hello I think your site is great. It has a lot of information. Allybo
shawn molemann64@aol
i enjoyed your site i would like to know if u have ever encountered any hostile anomalys ??? V.D.
Hi my name is Adrian B. and I have been interested in the unnorme since I have been born and never could join any groups or find a job that deals with this subject but it has always been an intrest with me and I am living proof that ghost and unnorm exist I have lived it 20 years of my life E-mail (Scbydo1403@aol.com
This website is truly awesome with many great pictures and info that only proves that there is life beyond this world as we know it. Thank you for providing others with so much insight into one of life's greatest mysteries.
I like your page a lot I am an amatuer paranormal investigator ( only 11). There really is nothing else for me to say except this is a good, neato, page. buh bye, Lauren
I love everything about this site. It is very indepth. Keep up the great work!!!!!!! Thanks for the viewing pleasure.
who are u
you are so cute
a great web site guys
I love the work you do,but the update on the web site would be nice. Reading things that has been on the site for a time is good but need to refresh with new storyes.
I have since been in touch with CHINGLE HALL @ GOOSNARGH near preston i was intending to make a visit,but was told that they had stopped visits some time ago,maybe you should take it from your pages. I love ypur web site and visit it everytime i can.brilliant.D Abdelsalam.ORRELL,WIGAN.
mike, hey we gotta go on some more trips to indiana before i get hitched got it!!!! thom
i would like to know more about ghost investigations in columbus,ohio.
i would like to know more about ghost investigations in columbus,ohio.
I think what you people are doing is so cool that I wish that I could join you all in the search for the unliving. If you need to know anything about Greenwood Cemetery in Decatur,IL, I can help you out. You can e-mail me at coolmax247@hotmail.com. I have been studing Greenwood cemetery for about 2 or 3 years now.
Great site I will check your site out in the future. Paran0rmal1@yahoo.com of Paranormal One Investigations of Southern Arizona.
well i think it is cool and i need something like this
Great site, please visit mine. GHOULI BASHERS @ http://ghoulibashers.bravepages.com/index.htm
Can anyone give me any info on preminissions? I have had them all of my life, but really didn't think anything about it up until 6 years ago when I saw either awake in my head or asleep deaths which did happen and one was accurate to the exact day & time. I have no control over it, it just happens. I am interested in I guess you may say "fully turning it on". Anyone know of any good starter books I can read about it? I am also a Christian and I don't want any books that have to do with witches or any kind of demonic background. Many Christian people who I tell this to, think I'm crazy and are intimidated. Other people also feel the same way so it's something I don't usually announce anymore, only my close friends. Thanks!!
Excellent Site -- Kim Capello -- CapKK@aol.com
Hi, im a fellow Ghost hunter im only 14 though, i wondered have u guys ever used infared Cameras, i have and they can capture alot of stuff. How do i tell people im a ghost hunter without them yelling, my friends ask me out to hang with'em butn i have the work and i have to tell them something else.
Hi, im a fellow Ghost hunter im only 14 though, i wondered have u guys ever used infared Cameras, i have and they can capture alot of stuff. How do i tell people im a ghost hunter without them getting all wierd on me and thinkin im a freak and a liar, my friends ask me out to hang with'em but i have to work and i have to tell them something else.
Hi, im a fellow Ghost hunter im only 14 though, i wondered have u guys ever used infared Cameras, i have and they can capture alot of stuff. How do i tell people im a ghost hunter without them getting all wierd on me and thinkin im a freak and a liar, my friends ask me out to hang with'em but i have to work and i have to tell them something else.
Hi, im a fellow Ghost hunter im only 14 though, i wondered have u guys ever used infared Cameras, i have and they can capture alot of stuff. How do i tell people im a ghost hunter without them getting all wierd on me and thinkin im a freak and a liar, my friends ask me out to hang with'em but i have to work and i have to tell them something else.
Your website is very impressive! I am glad to see one based in Illinois. Judy Cureton
Are you realated to BMX rider, Mike Escamilla? Just wondering.
hi i would like to join your site since i am really interested in paranormal activities. please email me at travelagent525@yahoo.com
I think this is a great site and I would like to know where to go to an education in this feid of paranormal events! candice perez 221 E.Willow Round Lake Park,IL 60073
I think this is a great site and I would like to know where to go to an education in this feid of paranormal events! candice perez 221 E.Willow Round Lake Park,IL 60073
hi from australia was wondering why nothing has been changed on this site for a year....? :S
My name is Russell and a young ghost hunter vist my site at www.expage.com/theghosthunters
hi! i like ur site if this is henre this is mike woods daughter alix. how are you? well if u get this write back to shimmerfairy812@aol.com
hi! i like ur site if this is henre this is mike woods daughter alix. how are you? well if u get this write back to shimmerfairy812@aol.com
Love you site..I am an investigator from Colorado..and love seeing and meeting people in the same area of interest as I..Angela
your picture's don't have much on them
I love Steve and i'm having an extremely bad time at the moment. I wonder if you could get him to contact me. Lots of love Lucy Lucy Lucy Please help me Steve AKA MUFC
Hello to everyone and the G.H.S. I have been intrested in the paranormal my whole life. And thanks to an invention called the internet I was able to fine more. Back in Sept. of 2002 I joined the American Ghost Society. And I also started my own group called the Christian County Ghost Hunters Society here in Taylorville, IL. Doing this I am finding out how much Genealogy work is actually done. It is very intresting finding out about this kind of stuff. We are just few right now in the group and we are old fashion right now due to lack of funds. But anyone in the Christian County area is welcome to come to us with stories or if you would like to join us/visit us. http://metalmayham.com Home of the CCGHS. ccghs@metalmayham.com
I was born Oct. 31, 76. My father named me Wendy "The Witch". I have preminissions all the time and can control the outcome of some of the visions by changing what I would normally do about the subject to something off the wall. I wonder. My friends tell me I have spooky dark brown eyes that kind of look evil. I wonder if their are others out there. Some visions kind of scarry.
Very nice and interesting site but, I'm looking for information on the Amityville Horror. Is it real or just a fraud?
Very nice and interesting site but, I'm looking for information on the Amityville Horror. Is it real or just a fraud?
Great website! http://spiritwriter.com
just like to say happy new year and its is a great site i would like to hear anyones stories about mysterious happenings you can email me at davmo33@aol.com
i am trying to find a story i could read on the computer so I went here to see if ya'll had a scary thta would knock the shoes of my feet.
Really i'm not sure weather ghosts are reall or not. I have had some weird feelings and all but i'm still not sure. If you can help me figure out if they are email me at: ms_saxplayer@hotmail.com I think that this is a very nice web site. thank you.
hi my name is Paul and i am trying to find places in the northwest of england that are haunted and open to the public to stay as i am very interested to see or feel the presence of ghost's if anybody has any information could they please email me at harrisbigh01@aol.com thankyou for your co-operation
Great site.Check out mine sometime. http://geocities.com/sweets2525/TnSpiritReaders.html
i love the site, i am a ghost hunter/paranormal investigator myself for about three years now. i am located in lake county, il and i have a yahoo groups page. lake county ghosthunters(lcgh) check it out nothing much yet but there will be more pics soon! justin villarreal kraziej82@yahoo.com
I like the ghost hunters society but every week is the same, the same photos, articles, stories, I think they will put new things that people interesting .
Hey, my name's Gabe and I was wondering what kind of permission do I need to visit Bachelors Grove? Who would I contact to get the proper permission? Any information you can give me will gladly be helpfull, I was planning on visiting the cemetery for a school project, I wanted to write an article for my school paper. MY email JTCGabe@hotmail.com, thanks.