The Ghost Hunter's Society
Photo Page #2

.Oak Ridge orb.jpg (28404 bytes)
An unexplained photo taken at Oak Ridge Cemetery

WL Nightshot.jpg (142017 bytes)
A night shot of the infamous Willard Library

WL JMspike.jpg (113551 bytes)
Jonathan records an EMF spike in the basement hall of the Willard Library

Mesa Team 97.jpg (545304 bytes)
MESA Team 97

Early MESA.jpg (408757 bytes)
The MESA system as it appeared at the 1997 International Ghost Hunter's Conference

Red Lion Team.jpg (384274 bytes)
The Red Lion investigation team

Graves Statue.jpg (169761 bytes)
The Dexter Graves monument

Inez Grave.jpg (278516 bytes)
The Inez monument

Do You Have A Photo That You Believe To Be Of A Paranormal Nature?

Submit It To Us!

Be sure to read the criteria for sending a photo to G.H.S.


More Photos To Come!

Stay Tuned!